Thursday, April 22, 2010

First full day without Amy here

Today started out so well. Both kids woke up happy and hungry. We ate and headed to Wal-Mart, mainly because we were out of milk for Aiden for the afternoon. The above picture was taken at Wal-Mart when we found a cowboy hat in the cereal aisle. It is proof that he will do anything when I say, "say cheese for a picture for Mommy." He refuses to wear any shoes other than his Crocs, pretty funny. 

Once we got home the feeding and the naps began. Aiden actually started his nap at 10:00 when he told me he was going to play in his room. I went to check on him about 5 minutes later when it was silent and he was laying on his bed hands behind his head, with all the lights on and asleep. I had to wake him up and he cried for awhile, but we played hard and he went down at the regular time.
Just wanted to add this picture to show how tired Aiden was before his nap finally started!
Eli and I were playing his favorite game, "Boo." he loves that game. Once everyone got done napping chaos ensued. Someone was crying from the time naps ended to the time I put Eli to sleep 15 minutes early. This included our walk, which is a loose interpretation of the word walk. We got about a block from the house before I had to turn back because there was just no pleasing either child. Aiden actually jumped out of the stroller before I got it stopped. I am not sure how much Amy is really going to like the stand-up part of the stroller. 
Just wanted to post this picture to show that once Eli gets in his Jumper, there is no stopping him. This was when Aiden was crying, he didn't eat until 6:15. Below I used the high speed function, notice the concentration in his face.
Tomorrow Aiden goes to Michele's and Eli goes with Cheryl Hartsfield. They will both have fun doing that. I have to go to work, but I will get to see them again in the afternoon. Now it is off to watch the draft and possibly fall asleep on the couch!

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