Wednesday, May 12, 2010

5/12 - Aiden + corn and Eli + no sitting

The past few days have been pretty good although we are encountering some nap troubles with Eli. He is exhausted and decides he only wants to sleep an hour in his crib. He starts screaming (which will wake Aiden up - he is napping too) and won't start. I take him out to the living room and he promptly falls asleep in my arms. It's so adorable, but so frustrating. I think I'm gonna start making him nap downstairs in the pack and play and close the door so Aiden and I can't hear him scream as loud. He needs to figure out how to nap for longer than an hour. He'll sleep another hour in my arms or on the couch so he can do it in his crib or pack and play.
The above two pictures are from Eli going from crazy happy to upset and crying within seconds because it's getting close to nap time.
Eli has also started to do something new in the past 2 days ... he doesn't want to sit. It sounds crazy but as you can see in the picture above and in the video below, he won't sit. If I do happen to get him to sit, he throws himself backward so he can lay down. Never had this problem with Aiden. We have gone to just putting a tad of water in the bathtub since he insists on laying down.
We got Aiden some new shoes the other day which he really likes. Also, we've finally added bubble mixture to his bubble blower and he's been loving that. He has to walk fast in order for the bubbles to come out but he's got the hang of that now.
The picture below might seem like a normal picture: a little boy playing in dirt and rocks with a dump truck. This is HUGE for Aiden. He HATES to be dirty and has never just played in dirt or the rocks before. It was killing me he was getting his new white shoes dirty but great that he wasn't freaking out about the dirt. After we got upstairs, I proceeded to clean his shoes (jee, I wonder why he's so obsessive).
When I picked Aiden up from daycare on Tuesday, Michel was chucking corn. Aiden thought that was pretty neat so she gave us an ear to take home. We cooked it and peeled it together. He thought it was pretty neat. He loves corn but we haven't shown him corn on the cob yet.

After some trial and error of eating corn, he finally figured it out and LOVES it. As you can see in the picture below, he was trying to eat the end of the ear so we had to teach him to eat from the side of the corn.
I never knew eating corn could be so much fun. Sometimes we take little things for granted.

The video below is another example of Eli not wanting to sit. He's too funny and is doing this all the time now. He has become so much more mobile by rolling around. He tried to get up on all 4's today and acted like he knew how to crawl. He was thinking about it.

The pictures below are from tonight. Brad put just an inch or so water in the tub since Eli won't sit now. He loved rolling around and splashing and chasing his toys.

We got a GPS unit yesterday which we are excited about. We will be using it to drive to Baltimore tomorrow to get the ball rolling for Brad to get his private pilot license. On Friday, the Hoyt family will be coming to town and on Saturday we are going to Annapolis. Fun times ahead.

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