Sunday, May 9, 2010

5/9 - Happy Mother's Day & Eli's car seat

So Eli has a big boy car seat now!! He was starting to arch his back and go crazy when we put him in his carrier. Eli lasted 7.5 months in a carrier ... Aiden lasted only 6 months. It's much harder though to carry Eli everywhere so we still have the base installed and use it sometimes (especially when I know Eli is going to nap in the car). Below, Aiden wanted to wear my "yellow" shirt rather than his PJs. Too cute. I didn't realize I was that big!
Eli has started to do pretty good at night (knock on wood). It's been pretty warm here lately so we went to just onesies. He has to have something against his face to sleep normally so we leave a couple burp clothes in his crib. He has just started to figure out that he can roll over in his crib and is sleeping on his belly most of the time when I check on him before I go to bed.
Eli is getting stronger everyday and can stand for a while now. Here he is playing at one of the activity tables.
I took the boys to the library for the first time ever the other day. They both had fun. Aiden had ZERO interest in reading books (although he loves to read them at home). He found a train book that he played with for a while until he found the huge play center. After he found that, he wanted nothing to do with books.
Below, you can see the play center. Even Eli liked it.
Yesterday we had a MOPs (Mothers of Preschoolers) picnic. We took the boys and were having fun but then it started raining.
In the picture below is Aiden's friend, Kaden. They are a few months apart and are great friends. They see each other for sunday school, church, and MOPs stuff.
Eli has been experimenting A LOT lately with his mouth. He makes an "O" mouth all the time for the past few days and I finally got a picture of it.

Once it started raining, we had to pack up our picnic blanket and go under the pavilion. Aiden had fun pushing Eli around in between rain showers although he could barely reach the handle bar.
All the kids were playing in the rain and Aiden was no exception. Most of them were playing on the softball up the hill but Aiden stayed right by us and was just running around.
Today was a good day. Eli slept in until 7:40!!! He's NEVER done that before. It was a great Mother's Day Present. Unfortunately, Aiden doesn't sleep that long so we were up well before then. Brad made waffles which Aiden loved (as did I). In the picture below, we were using the automatic smile function on our new camera we got yesterday. You push a button and it won't take a picture until the subject smiles. It's pretty cool. Aiden finally broke the gum on his 2 bottom incisors and the top should follow shortly .
After church today, we went home for naps. Aiden decided to sleep almost 3 hrs until I woke him up because I wanted to go outside. Eli on the other hand, decided to almost not nap at all. We went to Solomon's Rec Center and walked around and found a playground.
As you can see, Brad and I enjoyed the playground time.
The boys did too. We were trying to get Eli to nap so we made him a cocoon with the sunshades but that didn't make him sleep. Here is happy as a clam as Brad checks in on him.
After playground time, we went out to dinner. We fed Eli before our food got there so we could eat. Eli loves his food!
Aiden did such a good job tonight. He actually ate his dinner ... most of it. He normally won't touch dinner if we get it out (we are lucky if he eats at home). He had chicken fingers and a juice box. He also sat in a booster seat for only the second time. Now that Eli eats too, we need Aiden to sit in a booster seat so Eli can sit in the high chair. Aiden forgets that sometimes but we can't have a booth with 2 high chairs.
Below is a cute video of the boys eating tonight. Eli has been getting distracted by everything that's above him lately. I even got a picture of him in the jumping johnny today staring up.
Tomorrow Brad will have to see if he broke his pointer finger yesterday while trying to throw a ball UP a curly slide at the playground. Also, Brad's parents are coming on Friday which should be fun. Hopefully I can post the day before they come. We are planning on doing some touristy stuff while they are here. Also, we are praying we will finally get orders soon. We are less than 50 days out and still don't have orders. Brad checks out on June 27 and .... we need orders to set up a move. Keep us in your prayers.

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