Wednesday, May 26, 2010

5/26 - Eli & the hippo and Aiden & the turtle

We've been trying to get Eli to learn to walk with his hippo and he's only mildly interested. He keeps his legs straight as a board and won't bend them; therefore, he cannot walk. Above is a picture of our straight-legged Eli getting ready to face plant (although I caught him before that happened) since he won't bend his legs and won't let go. Below, you can see a video of Eli not really caring about walking and Aiden just wondering around in the background.
Eli has tons of fun when daddy plays with him which hasn't gotten to happen too much over the past week since Brad had his surgery (vasectomy). Although he was very sore for a couple of days and couldn't walk, he is doing much better now.
Aiden and Eli have been cute lately. This is Aiden laying on the activity table that is Eli's to play with. Aiden sometimes has a hard time understanding that while these used to be his toys, they are "baby" toys now and still wants to play with them (and not let Eli play with them).

As you can see at the very beginning of the video below, Eli is having a blast playing with Aiden ... until he fell over. Eli is munching hard on his spoon rattle as you can see too.
Ms. Michel, Aiden's daycare provider, came over the other day with a huge table for him. When she showed up at the door she pointed out we had a visitor on our porch. We went out and fed the turtle and petted him. The turtle turned down the lettuce and tomatoes but Aiden really wanted him to have them and made it almost impossible for the turtle to leave.

You can see the huge table she gave us. Aiden LOVES it. We put it downstairs and he has a whole area to play with all his trains. He just goes downstairs and plays by himself whenever he wants which is great. I LOVE not having to worry about baby gates and steps and I don't think that will have to change unless Eli gets really motivated to crawl (I'm not counting on that to happen). I'm glad Aiden was exposed to steps because he learned how to go up and down them safely and we don't have to worry about it. I'm nervous Eli won't get that exposure and will be reckless with steps. We'll see.

Aiden and I have gotten some bug bites lately and he had one pretty bad on his arm. I had to put his boo boo buddy on it which he hates so I taped it to him and begged him to leave it along while he watched an episode of Thomas the Train! He looks less than thrilled to say the least :)
We went to the playground this morning and Aiden had fun. You can barely see his busted lip which he got yesterday at daycare running into a chair or falling off a chair ... something involving a chair. It's his worst fat lip so far!!

He's still adorable though!

This afternoon Eli decided to wake early from his nap. He hasn't been sleeping well because he is teething again. We thought he got his 2nd tooth in but we were wrong. It's about to pop through any day. It's come flying out when it breaks that gum. It took Aiden's tooth about a month to get as tall as Eli's has gotten in less than a week.

Back to Eli, he loves laying by Pouncer and grabbing his hair. He smiles at him as he walks by. I can't wait for Eli to see Bronco again and get used to him.

In the picture below you will see the boys, myself, and Betty. Betty is the lactation consultant at Calvert hospital and has helped all of us immensely. Aiden had no idea how to suck and Betty helped with him a lot and Eli and I have had problems with thrush and she's helped us get rid of that too. She's an awesome person and I am sad not to have any more babies that she can help me with! I found out today Chunky Monkey weighs 19 lbs, 13 ounces.
Tonight we went to base and saw the USMC Silent Drill Team perform. They were great. It was pretty warm out even though it started at 6:00pm. Aiden kept himself entertained which I was excited about and Eli was good too.

It was a nice family event and I can't wait until we do things that they are really interested in and keeps their attention. Aiden did find the marching band to be entertaining.
Hopefully Eli's tooth will come through soon. We are 31 days out from leaving Pax and still have no orders (they were promised by Friday but they said that last week too). It looks like our renters are going to be out without a problem (praise the Lord) ... now all we need is orders. Please pray for them. We can do nothing (set up a move for example) without them!

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