Sunday, May 2, 2010

5/2 - A trip to Calvert Cliffs & the park

The past couple days have been pretty good. The weather has warmed up and is beautiful. We've spent lots of time outside in the past couple days. Above is a picture from bath time the other night. Aiden has learned to blow pretty good bubbles in the bathtub and in a cup that we keep in the bathtub for the kids to play with. I should have known that would translate to blowing bubbles in other things such as Aiden's cup! I heard him doing this the other morning and I knew what it was right away. He decided to blow a ton of bubbles into his milk cup.
Aiden is 23 months today. Wow how time flies. Brad has had duty all weekend and he took Aiden to work with him yesterday because Aiden was driving me crazy. Aiden got to play in all the "copters" at Brad's work. How many kids get to do that? That's pretty cool when you think about it.
Eli had a big milestone the other day ... he sat in a cart for the first time. He could have done it a few weeks ago probably but to be honest, it's just easier to carry him around in his carrier. He doesn't mind it although lately he's started arching his back when we put him in it. It's easier to have one child controlled (Eli in car seat) than carrying one and trying to keep up with other. We did buy Eli a big-boy car seat the other day and I installed it today. Things will get a bit more difficult but I've kept his base for his carrier in the van in case I need to use it. Unfortunately, Eli has to nap on the run sometimes because it's not practical for me to stay home from 8:30am to 3:30pm.
We went to Calvert Cliffs yesterday for the first time in a long time. Aiden wanted to start off walking so Brad took him and I had Eli in a backpack.
Aiden loves being outside and so does Eli. After Eli realized he couldn't pull my hair out or eat my shoulder, we had a good time. EVERYTHING goes into Eli's mouth if he has the opportunity. That said, he has a paci in a lot because otherwise he chews on everything and drools like a mad-man.
Aiden had fun too but he took some persuading to get in the backpack. There were some pretty steep hills so he got in at the perfect time.
Since Aiden and Eli were so good to let mommy and daddy get some exercise, we took them to the park afterwards. Aiden had fun as always. Eli can go in the swings now and he LOVES it. Look how happy he is. He started chewing on the straps to his hat so we had to put the paci in (he also tried to eat the swing seat).

Aiden is definitely asserting his independence lately. He's such a good boy most of the time. He can get pretty whiney, especially at night but normally he is great during the day. He cleans up his toys, puts his shoes away, gets Eli toys, etc. We are really blessed with him although it's been a lot of work on our part too. He wants to go on the big boy part of the playground my himself and says "no" to us if we start to follow him. In the picture below, he is going over the scary bridge by himself. All the holes freak him out I think but he still wants to go on it. There isn't much that scares him on the playground and he is SO GOOD about not going to the edges of parts for the big kids that he can fall/jump off of.
Today we went to church and then walked around our neighbors yards. When Brad got home from work (yes it is Sunday but he had duty) Aiden helped me make baby food for Eli. He's such a good helper.

I am getting ready to give our glider to a friend and I'm psychologically preparing myself for it. I had to take some pictures tonight for sentimental reasons. In the picture below, Eli is feeding himself a bottle with daddy.
After I nursed Eli and we read his night-night book, we press the belly of his angel. He LOVES this part. He always smiles and laughs. Brad was there to catch it for the camera.
The little booger is even posing in the picture below. Eli is still not wanting to crawl at all but he's flopping over a lot more on the floor to get the things he wants. He is also getting better at standing at the play tables. He hates the canned meat baby food but we are starting to give him combination Stage 2 dinners and he loves those. He's still making a mess with mum-mums but is starting to be able to feed himself some puffs which is good.

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