Monday, October 11, 2010

10/10 - An update for Brad

Aiden has started separating out his vegetables at dinner time. It was cracking me up so I had to take a picture the other night. He was separating his soybeans and corn. Aiden has started to play with blocks more and was building bridges the other day. He did quite a few (I helped him with some) and then pushed his cars under them.
I think bath time will always be one of Eli's favorite time. He's started to put his face into the water and he made himself a bubble mustache the other night.
I've been working hard with Eli on drinking out of a cup. Not a real cup because he doesn't have the hand coordination for that, but a straw cup. He's getting better at actually swallowing the liquid in his mouth and is doing quite well with a straw sippy cup.
Aiden has had a bit of a rough time lately. He's been getting really whiny and will not talk to me and tell me what he wants. He just cries and then starts whining but I can't understand what he wants. It's very frustrating for both of us. Many times, he doesn't like the choice that he has made and wants something else but he needs to learn how to live with his decisions. It's a rough lesson (for both of us again) but he needs to learn it.
Eli has been doing this leaning to one-side thing in his car seat lately. It's pretty cute. He just hangs out there resting his head on his hand.
The boys have had a lot of fun playing in the ball pit lately. Eli is just starting to climb into the pit and play. I think he mostly likes to try and terrorize Aiden from the outside though.

Eli got very made the other day when his truck attacked him and pinned him up by the couch!
Eli is starting to take after big brother and he enjoys having a blankie to bite on and carry around. There are worse habits that he could have. Which reminds me, I'm really hoping he gets out of the phase where everything goes in to his mouth very soon. If he doesn't have a paci in, then everything will go in his mouth. It's highly annoying because I can't take him anywhere because he'll put stuff in his mouth.
You can see in this last picture that Aiden is actually trying to pull Eli back into the ball pit.
As much as I referee around here, Aiden is becoming much more tolerant of Eli. The weather has been beautiful lately so we've been trying to spend some time outside. Eli has been pretty grumpy lately but I think he's starting to get his molars.

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