Sunday, October 31, 2010

11/1 - Brad's back, Aiden's sick, Happy Halloween

Brad finally came home (which is one of the reasons I haven't posted lately). Brad made it back safely and in time to enjoy the boys for one night before Aiden got sick. Eli has learned how to climb up on Aiden's bed so it's where they spend some time in the morning. They actually play in there while I get breakfast ready sometimes. That is such a huge help because normally Eli is hanging on my legs (literally).Since we started Gymboree, Eli tries to climb on everything. He even tries to climb up on the couch and pet/harass Pouncer.
Eli is becoming more steady on his feet. He's taking a few steps by himself but not completely committed to walking on his own. In the past few days, he's getting more confident and trying to take a few steps before plopping down and crawling. When he does take a few steps, his left foot is normally turned out. I'm not sure if I should be concerned about this yet.
The boys were spoiled with snack on the couch (kinda - Aiden took the cushions off).

Aiden's daycare teacher suggested we do some more arts and crafts with him and let him get messy. Aiden does NOT like getting dirty. We tried shaving cream and paint the other day (which dries to neat consistency) and he was having a fit that his hands were dirty. He finally just wanted to play in it using a spoon.
Aiden got a card from Nana (and one from Aunt Pat today) for Halloween. She drew a picture in it and he was running around the house showing us. This is the same day that he got sent home from daycare early for a fever. We brought him home at 12:30pm, gave him motrin, and he great ....until about 6pm.
The motrin wore off and he went downhill FAST! He didn't want to eat dinner or play. I changed him in to his jammies and his temperature was just sky rocketing. I made an urgent care appointment for that night but then was hoping I could just take him the next morning to the doctor and not go to urgent care. He started getting so bad that I took him to the urgent care appointment at 8pm. We got there at 7:30 and I was going to use the ER but they suggested I just wait for my urgent care appointment. I did that and once they took his temp, it was 104 and they had to put us in the ER because it was so high. They gave him drugs and it finally came down to 101.7 and they let us leave (stupid on their part). We were waking Aiden throughout the night to give him medicine and he still had a 102/103 temp even with meds. He was coughing so much in the night he threw up.
He woke up the next morning with a fever but has some energy. Brad went to work and I was taking care of Aiden (Eli went to daycare). He was playing for a bit and then crashed around 11am. He wouldn't drink or eat anything and hadn't had a wet diaper all morning. We headed back to the ER where his temp was 102 but that was with drugs. After a long few hours and threats of IV's and catheters, his temp came down to 100.7 and we left. Aiden did okay for the rest of the day and on Friday morning, I took him to see his pediatric doctor. She is great and gave him a breathing treatment. Since that didn't open up his lungs (he was having a horrible cough too), he got some more x-rays taken, and then another breathing treatment. The second treatment did the job and she put him on breathing treatments at home.

We left the hospital and went to get Eli from daycare. I realized he had a fever too (101.9)! I asked Aiden if he wanted to go to Chic-fil-a (our original plans for Thur night). He said yes as long as he could have chocolate milk. I've been trying to go for months on the 4th Thursday of the month because it's Train Night. We went although I didn't let the boys play in the kids area for fear they would get someone sick. We ate dinner and then went on the train.

Eli wasn't too impressed. He didn't know what to make of it. While Aiden was having fun, he didn't appear that way in the self pictures I was trying to take. He had been really sick all day but was feeling much better that night.
We went home and Aiden helped with his breathing treatment. He's such a good little boy.
For Halloween we carved a pumpkin. Aiden helped draw on it with his crayon as you can see.
We were all dressed in our Gator apparel to cheer on our team at home in the afternoon. Aiden thought it was neat to see the process of carving the pumpkin but he had no interest in helping take out the seeds. He tried once and when his arm touched the side of the pumpkin, it was completely over!!

On Sunday, we got up to go to church and left the house. After a few miles of Eli crying and coughing (he was exhausted), I turned around and came home. I was feeling yucky and Eli was a mess. We were just gonna let him take a nap and then go to church (versus Sunday school first) but the little boys and mommy just needed a break. I did lots of napping with the boys in the morning. I even called our friend and canceled some plans we had made. I then called her back and we met her (Sue) in downtown Jacksonville. We did some trick-or-treating with Sue and her 3 boys and then headed back home. Since they started early (around 4:45pm), we got home around 6:30.
Aiden was having so much fun that he wanted to do more trick-or-treating. He finally caught on how to do it and was so cute. He would say "trick treat" and then "thanks." I took him up and down our street (carrying him most of the way) and he had so much fun. He was exhausted. He loved some of the decorations in our neighborhood.
Brad built this really cool plane to put around the stroller. It was so neat. Here is a picture of the stroller fitted with the plane (we'll paint it for next time). Brad managed to create this in about 15 min in the garage. Amazing.
After I finally convinced Aiden to come in, we changed him and he handed out candy to some trick-or-treaters that came to our house. He finally went to bed around 7:45pm which is 45 min later than normal. He had so much fun though.

Update: Today we took Eli to the doctor and he needs breathing treatments too. He's not as bad as Aiden so he doesn't need the steroids as well right now. Aiden goes back tomorrow for a check-up to see how he is doing. They might both has asthma!! Aiden had a really bad virus as well and Eli just got a little dose of the virus. I went to the eye doctor today to check for melanoma and they found a spot on my eye they think may be a freckle. I go back in 6 months to see if it changes.

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