Tuesday, October 12, 2010

10/12 - A trip to the beach with Alicia

My friend Alicia from Maryland is in town with her baby, Lincoln, and husband, Clint. Alicia and Lincoln decided to meet us out at the beach this morning. I wanted to give the boys a chance to play in the sand again since they appeared they might like it when we did pictures a few weeks ago. I stopped at Target and they had no more sand toys. I then stopped at a Dollar General on the way to the beach and found 2 beach toys (a sand/water toy and a little rake). I got both for less than $3 since they were like 75% off since it's out of season. Score for us!

Eli dropped to his knees right away and ate a handful of sand. Aiden was really excited about the new beach toys and wanted to play with those. This was Lincoln's first time at the beach and he didn't really care for the cold water. Aiden looks so cute grabbing on to Alicia.
Eli was have fully submersed himself if I let him. He loves the water. As Alicia witnessed, he really wanted to drop down to sit in the water and I didn't want that unless I was going swimming too (it's too messy). So, I let him bend over and he took a handful of wet sand straight to the mouth. I'll be curious if I can measure the amount of sand he ate in his diaper once he poops! haha
Little Eli is going to love swimming with his daddy someday! He was just staring out in the water and had a huge smile on his face when the waves would come up over his feet.
After the beach, we headed back to my place. My boys took a nap (although both put up a fight because they were over-tired) for a while. Once they were up, we played around for a bit and changed diapers.
Little Lincoln wasn't sure why Eli was trying to head butt him. Poor Alicia had to protect Lincoln because of crazy Eli. I can't wait to teach Eli to give hugs (like people) rather than head butts (like Bronco and the cats).
We took a walk down to the park. I would never guess by looking a the stroller picture that these two are about 8 months apart.
Eli and Lincoln got to swing for a bit and we also let them go down the slides. Aiden was all over the place and is becoming much more daring on the playground. He actually climbs up a pretty cool thing but I'm too nervous to tape it in case he missteps and crashes. Maybe in the next week or so. He's only slipped once where it would have been bad if I wasn't there but I definitely don't want to get a fall on tape!
We had fun and the boys had a very tiring yet fun day. It was GREAT to see Alicia. I really miss our MD friends and the closeness we had with them and the ability to always rely on them for anything. We had a great group of Christian friends up there and I don't think we'll ever have that again (although I pray for it to happen). No offense to any of our current church friends. We just haven't really got to know any of the couples down here very well and I miss that connection with other couples.
Tomorrow the boys go to daycare so I can get some work done. On Thursday, Eli has his first dentist appointment! Until then ....

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