Monday, January 24, 2011

1/24 - The boys being brothers

Aiden and Eli have decided to start their own marching band. Aiden is going to play the drums and Eli is going to do the train whistle.
Eli's smile cracks me up in this picture. I have no idea what he is looking at but he was really happy about it.
Despite having a big bite mark on his cheek and getting his 4th molar, he's been in a pretty good mood.
Both the boys have been a little sick so we've had to rearrange Eli's room for the humidifier. When we did that, Aiden found his storyreader and hasn't put it much down since. When he does put it down, Eli gets it and plays with it.
On Thursday morning, we met a friend at the park. It was pretty darn cold out. The park had water all over it but thankfully we brought towels to wipe some of it down. Aiden had a blast. The little girl, Maddie, is in his sunday school class and Awana class. I was glad he's getting to know someone that he sees a lot.
Eli had fun too but he got soaked. Since everything was wet and Eli doesn't have the greatest balance, he was crawling everywhere. His pants were soaked and he was kinda cold.
Aiden decided to pull his hat down over his eyes and actually try to walk around like that. He was cracking me up trying to walk around like that.
Eli really wanted to play in the tunnel but it was so wet. Even the top of it had water on it so he got his head all wet. He couldn't climb up the tunnel (it had a slight incline) because it was so wet he kept sliding down. He didn't mind too much although he kept getting aggravated.
One of Eli's favorite thing still is to turn the light on and off by the front door.
Aiden has learned that he can make letters with his body lately. It's too cute. He's making a 'T' in the first picture and 'W.' He knows all his capital letters now and most of the lowercase ones too. He's making good progress.
He decided to try and get the tooothpicks out of the salt/pepper shaker and then put them back in. He said it was a "work job" and then I remember that is an activity they have at his daycare.
I had to include the whole sequence of pictures for Brad in the next set with Eli and Aiden. Maybe there is hope of Aiden being a wrestler - he does a take down of Eli here. Aiden thought the whole thing was pretty funny. Eli smiled once or twice too though.
This morning the boys colored for a bit. I should say Eli dumped out all the crayons, markers, and colored pencils and Aiden colored a bit.
We met up with some people from my sunday school class at the mall play area this morning. My friend Stephanie has gone to the church for a long time and she knows everyone. She has been trying to help me meet other people and get to know some of them so it was a great gathering this morning. Aiden and Stephanie's daughter are playing in the shelves at kids play area in the mall.
Eli was being a little daredevil at the mall playground and standing on the spaceship. He's lucky he didn't hurt himself.
Eli and Blaise (Stephanie's 10 mo old son) had fun playing with the X an O cubes. They both liked to look at themselves. They are cute boys so I don't blame them. :)
Aiden and Eli went up the stairs and down the steep slides for a long time.
Aiden was wrestling with Eli again today for a bit although Eli was just staring off into space as Aiden climbed on him. It was kinda funny.
After we got some lunch, we went home and Eli slept for over 3 hrs. I guess we tired him out. Things are going pretty well. I never have enough free time but nobody does. I have a list of things that need to be done around the house and one day, maybe I'll get to them. Until then, I'm enjoying the boys and very thankful God has put certain people in my life to help build friendships and become closer to Him.

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