Saturday, January 1, 2011

1/1 - Happy New Year

Happy New Years!! Brad spent an hour on New Year's Eve babyproofing our kitchen cabinets (some of them at least). I mainly wanted the one with the chemicals and cleaning stuff but Brad did a few of them. We could have gotten by without some of the being babyproofed but it makes my life a little easier. Our neighbors had a gathering yesterday to celebrate. We took a Target trip in the morning and then after naps, I took Eli for a rollerblade and then met daddy and Aiden at the playground. The kids started playing on the street around 4:30pm and our boys joined in. Everyone brought something to eat and our boys ate a second dinner!
Eli is always hungry. We are starting to think he's got a tape worm. I'm not sure if we are kidding or not. He can easily eat twice the amount of Aiden, almost the same amount as me.
You can see Eli begging for food from Brad. He ate his weight in food last night I think.
Here is our New Year's Eve family photo. I cherish family photos right now and am hoping to get one more before Brad leaves.
Eli loves to have Brad drive him around on the scooter. He's gotten pretty good about staying on the scooter and not stepping off.
Aiden has a few toys that the kids like to play with. We had his old scooter out, bike, and his mower. Eli finally got a turn on Aiden's bike and he really liked it. He was very curious how the pedals worked.
The kids asked to get the slide out so the boys had fun doing that too.
We are also pretty excited that Aiden is starting to figure out how to use pedals, or at least trying to. He's never even wanted to put his feet on the pedals and the past few days he has tried it out. Last night, his friend, Jayden (she lives 2 houses down and is about to turn 4; she is adorable) was pushing him.
Aiden then tried pushing her in the stroller but Aiden isn't quite strong enough to push her too far even though she's tiny.
We put Eli to bed around 6:45 because he was exhausted. Aiden found a party hat somewhere and decided to try and wear it. He very briefly paused for a picture with the hat on.
Aiden tried to play cornhole. He had fun watching the other boys and girls throw the bean bags and eventually joined in himself.
He didn't really like trying to throw it in the hole so he would walk up and drop it in the hole! It was too cute.
By 7:45, Aiden was exhausted and asked to go to bed. We all had fun and then Brad and I watched football for an hour until I fell asleep on the couch. Maybe once the kids are older we will try and stay up until midnight but until then, the boys don't sleep in so staying up late isn't fun at all because we are so tired.

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