Saturday, August 21, 2010

8/21 - Playing together and OP mall

I was watching Eli the other night and about had a heart attach when I saw him climb up and over his activity table onto the coffee table. I got a picture of him in action (I couldn't let him climb anymore because I needed to tell him no). This little chunky monkey is going to be trouble.
Aiden and Eli have been playing pretty well together lately. Aiden has been sharing more although he still does his fair share of yelling "no touch." He was showing Eli how to work his mini-tool set yesterday and even let him have Mac as they played trucks. It was pretty cute.

Aiden has been drawing a lot lately and his drawings are starting to change. They used to be just giant scribbles everywhere. Now he's starting to draw circles, lines, and spots. He normally names the spots like ma, dad, Eli, "me", and then also a variety of objects of like ball, bike, car, etc. These spots look nothing like the objects he names but he's getting the idea that everything has a name. We mainly took this picture for daddy to see how different his drawings are getting.
When I went to go check on Aiden last night, I found the following big legos set up. They were up on his shelf in his room in a box. He's too cute. He did a great job fitting them all on there. I also had to include the picture of Aiden sleeping. Brad is used to checking on the boys with me before we go to bed. Brad: No way am I taking a picture of Eli. He wakes up almost anyway lately with me just opening the door.

I decided to give Eli a spoon this morning to see if he was interested in holding it. I think we can start food training with him soon for him to learn how to feed himself. He was very ready.
Aiden has been really independent lately and wanted to do his own cereal this morning. Fistful by fistful he filled his own bowl up!
Aiden and I played around this morning while Eli was playing by himself. Aiden loves being on my shoulders lately and it's how we got around at the hospital yesterday for our doctor appointments.
Aiden was in a cooking mood this morning and made car and egg soup. Yummy sounding I know.
He wouldn't go to his room for a nap without the oven mitts! He was too cute.
Today I decided we would take a field trip to Orange Park Mall and go to kids play center. It was the first time I've been to mall since we moved back here. There is a train that goes around the inside of the mall that Aiden just about fainted over he was so excited. We didn't take the ride since I left my wallet in the car but we'll have to go again. It's short and expensive but I have to let him go on it once.
Both of the boys had a blast today. It was nice when we first got there but was horrible when we left. There were dozens of kids, a lot of big kids, running around playing tag and jumping off things. I stayed calm but decided in my head the first one to knock-down or jump on one of my boys was gonna get a talking to. Surprisingly, my boys were pretty safe and Aiden only got knocked down once (the girl helped him up and made sure he was okay so I can't get mad at that).
There was a tuunel there Eli was intrigued with. He has never been in a tunnel and was scared to go in at first. Even though he watched Aiden go in and out but he was still very hesitant. I took a video when he went in a he had such a great smile on his face I had to stop it so I could get a picture to show Brad since he can't see the videos. He turned around and crawled back out after I stopped filming.

This picture is from when Eli really did crawl through the tunnel for the first time. He was so excited for himself that it was cute. They both were in the airplane at one point too and that was cute. I tried to get them to pose for a picture but there was way too much action for that to happen.
We will try church again tomorrow but I'm going to be mentally prepared to have to come get Eli after Sunday school because he's so tired. We'll see. I wanted to go for a rollerblade now but it's thundering pretty bad although it's kinda sunny out still. I'm not going to chance it - rollerblades in the rain with a double jogger just sounds like a bad idea. Both of these cute boys have been struggling to nap for the last 2 days. I'm hoping things will change soon for them and they go back to napping.

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