Tuesday, August 31, 2010

8/31 - Eli's 1st haircut

On Sunday, we all stayed home. Aiden and I were feeling pretty yucky and I didn't want him the boys to spread germs around just so they could get sick again next week. We were feeling pretty cooped up after staying home all day so we went out in the late afternoon and tried to ride the train - again. We were successful!!

Aiden and Nana went on the train ride and I stayed back with Eli (I know I'll have lots more chances to ride the train with him). Aiden had SO much fun. He had a huge smile glued to his face the entire time. He wouldn't even really let Nana take a picture of us since he wanted to get in and ride so much.
Aiden and Nana went on the train ride and I stayed back with Eli (I know I'll have lots more chances to ride the train with him). Aiden had SO much fun. He had a huge smile glued to his face the entire time.
The boys played in the play area for a bit. They were glad to get out of the house for a bit.
I tried to get a video of Aiden saying his name, especially his last name. It's amazing what he is learning in daycare! He's doing so good. He's known all his color and most animals for a while and he's counting now and even knows some letters. He knows ideas such as high/low, close/far, now/later, etc. Anyway, he's a smart little boy and I tried to get him saying his name.
Eli is so intrigued with Bronco and follows him around everywhere. Bronco is so good with him.
I bought the boys the same jammies the other night. They both love them and look so cute in them.
We had a pretty good day today. Aiden is still pretty sick so he was glad to be home with us today. He still gave us a few smiles today although he decided not to nap today and he woke up over an hour early for the third day in a row.
They had fun watching me blow bubbles today and trying to catch them.
Eli had some pictures taken today but he wasn't very happy since he is sick and it was his nap time. My cousin Rachel is taking pictures in a few weeks and I'm SO EXCITED about it. We are going to take pictures outside and some as a family. It should be fun. Eli had a few decent pictures but none that made me really happy.
Remember how I said Aiden didn't nap ... that was true until dinner time. He was SO TIRED that he actually fell asleep at the dinner table. All he had for dinner was corn so I bet he'll be starving in the morning. He was such a nightmare to put to sleep. He woke himself up knocking his fork off the table and cried ever since. I tried picking him and carrying him for a bit and he still cried. I tried sitting with and he cried. Needless to say, he cried with everything I did. I finally put him to bed about an hour early and he cried for about 20 min yelling "mom." I calmed him down and the second I got up to leave, he started balling again. My mom finally sat with him until he fell asleep while I walked the dog. I have never seen him so upset for that long.
While Aiden slept during dinner, I cut Eli's hair for the first time. It was also the first time he has ever had a lollipop (he loved it). I think it turned out pretty good. You can see the before and after here.

I took this picture in the middle of the haircut. He did great and sat on Nana's lap the whole time. Hopefully Bradley is satisfied with this - I've been getting lots of "hippy" comments from him in regards to Eli's hair!

Hopefully Aiden will have a much better napping day tomorrow. Oh yeah, Eli got another tooth. He now has 8 teeth at 11.5 months!! He's ready for a steak.

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