Tuesday, August 24, 2010

8/24 - Amy has some surgery

The past couple days have been an adventure. These first couple pictures are from Sunday. It's so weird to see Eli in this shirt. It was Aidens shirt and we bought it for him for his 1 yr picture. Eli has been good. He's still teething and I think his one tooth is gonna pop through in the next day or two. Needless to say, everything goes in his mouth ... even his feet.
Aiden was goofing around on the couch with me and kept trying to touch the camera with his feet (little booger).
As I mentioned before, Aiden is into doing everything himself and now he wants to brush his teeth at the sink like a big boy and TRY to spit. He isn't successful and I've been working on this with him for a few weeks. He doesn't understand that he isn't supposed to swallow toothpaste and the little cup of water I give him.
We went over to my friend Sue's house today and Aiden got to play with Carter. He had a blast and was really excited he got to come home with a bag of cars/trucks (some of them are actually Cars characters) and a bunch of puzzles. In fact, he was so excited he wouldn't nap at all!! He played in his room for 2 hours. If I made him lay in his bed, he would start crying and would wake Eli up who was having a hard time sleeping anyway. Aiden is a bit more manageable without a nap than Eli so Eli got to sleep.
Eli had a blast tonight playing with Aiden's hat. He thought it was so funny that it went on his head. I'll have to get a video of this later.
OK. So, I found out Friday I needed to get some more skin shaved off behind my ear because they found some bad cells back there when they did a biopsy a few weeks ago. It turns out, they needed to take a lot of skin. In this first picture, the doctor outlined where they needed to cut at.
I thought this was gonna be a quick procedure and it took them 15 min to give me enough lidocaine for the area and then another 70 min to do the surgery. It was so close to my ear that even though I couldn't feel things (other than some slight tugging), I could hear everything!!! It was so weird. I could hear them cutting my skin and I could hear them tying sutures. They ended up putting a couple layers of stitches in.
It's in such a weird place so it's hurts to turn my head. It's partly because of all the tape and partly because of the tightness of the stitches. I got to take off the bandages tonight to clean it. It needed some cleaning because it started bleeding today. My neighbor helped me clean it and then bandage it back up. I have 12 stitches and am praying that they got all the bad cells. The doctors told me I would probably need some minor surgery when this heals because it's probably going to "pucker." Not sure what that means put I know they are referring to my skin. I'll take a scar over melanoma any day!! Pray for good results and no more bad cells.
I go back next week to get the top layer of stitches out and my biopsy results.

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